1.0. Essays
1.1. Self-introduction essay1.2. Second essay
1.3. Third essay
1.3. Best essay: Which do you believe is better & why?
2.1. Your first comment on your instructor's blog:
- Title of post with link: Title+link
- Date of post: 2007.mm.dd
- Date of your first comment: 2007.mm.dd
- Number of words in your first comment: nn words
- Do you believe that was a good comment? Why or why not?
2.2. Your best comment on a classmate's blog
- Title of post with link: Title+link
- Date of post: 2007.mm.dd
- Date of best comment: 2007.mm.dd
- Number of words in best comment: nn words
- Why do you believe that is a good comment?
2.3. The best comment by a classmate on your blog- Title of post with link: My favorite things
- Date of post: 2007.06.05
- Date of best comment: 2007.06.06
- Number of words in best comment: 63 words
- Why do you believe that is a good comment?
- Her tinking is easy to know for me . And the comment is long. I'm happy.
2.4. The greatest numbers of comments on your blog
2.4.1. The greatest number of comments on any of your essays
- Title of your essay with link: Movie
- Date of essay: 2007.07.16
- The total number of comments on that essay: 4 comments
- Best comment on that essay by a classmate: moe
- Date of best comment on that essay: 2007.07.18
- When did you respond to those comments? 2007.mm.dd
- What did you do in response to those comments?
- I could became to be happy the best.
2.4.2. Greatest number of comments on any of your other posts
- Title of your post with link: ♪CD♪
- Date of post: 2007.07.03
- The total number of comments on that post: 5 comments
- Best comment on that post by a classmate (Blogger ID): Triphaina
- Date of best comment on that post: 2007.07.04
- When did you respond to those comments? 2007.mm.dd
- What did you do in response to those comments?
2.5. Additional reflections on blog comments:
2.1. Your first comment on instructor's blog:
- link
- nn words
- 2007.mm.dd
- Do you believe that is a good comment? Why or why not?
2.2. Your best comment on a classmates blog
- link
- nn words
- 2007.mm.dd
- Why do you believe that is a good comment?
2.3. The best comment by a classmate on your blog by a classmate
- My Favorite Things
- 63 words
- 2007. 06. 06
- Why do you believe that is a good comment? The comment is interwsting for me and long.
3.0. Typing speed trials
3.1. Worst speed
3.2. Best speed
3.3. Average speed
- average 71 words
- number of trials 11
4.0. Book Reviews
4.1. Book review 1-01
4.2. Book review 1-02
4.3. Book review 1-03
4.4. Book review 1-04
4.5. Book review 1-05
4.6. Book review 1-06
4.7. Book review 1-07
4.8. Book review 1-08
4.9. Book review 1-09
4.10. Book review 1-10
4.11. Book review 1-11
4.12. Book review 1-12
4.13 Book review 1-13
5.0. Visual presentation
5.1. Archive at top of sidebar (Yes/No):5.1.1. Displaying titles of posts: Yes
5.1.2. Organized by month (or week): Yes
5.2. Labels displayed in sidebar (Yes/No):5.1.1. Including: books, essays & quickposts: Yes
5.1.2. Including other labels that you've attached to
more than one post: Yes
- List of other labels that you've used: No
5.3. Links & media5.3.1. Pictures
- Does your blog profile include a picture? No
- How many of your blog posts include pictures? 22
5.3.w. Posts with multiple links
- How many of your posts include three or more links? 7
5.3.3. Other media
- How many of your blog posts include other media? 7
- Which other media have you used? drama, first food shop, furniture shop and so on.
ID: 0644
Writing IIIc: Portfolio 1.0. Essays1.1. Catalog
| Titles of posts with links
| Dates (yyyy.mm.dd)
| Numbers of words
| Numbers of comments
| Restaurant: Star of India
| 2007.03.13
| 185
| 1
1st (introduction) April (150+ words)
| Self-introduction
| 2007.04.11
| 106 | 0
2nd (campus life) May (200+ words)
| campus life | 2007.06.04
| 53
| 0
3rd (your choice) June 5 (250+ words)
| My favorite things
| 2007.06.05
| 63
| 5
4th (Kumamoto) June 18 (250+ words)
| Kumamoto | 2007.06.20
| 91
| 0
5th (review 1) July 2 (175+ words)
| CD
| 2007.07.03
| 250
| 4
6th (review 2) July 16 (200+ words)
| Movie | 2007.07.16
| 164
| 4 |
| ---
| 14 |
Note: Calculate totals without the example.
1.2. Selection and assessment: Which of those essays do you feel is the best, and why? Please remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, and give at least two reasons.
| Titles of posts with links
| Dates of comments (yyyy.mm.dd)
| Numbers of words in comments
| Qualities of comments* |
2.1. Your first comment on your instructor's blog
2.2. Your best comment on a classmate's blog |
2.3. Best comment by a classmate on your blog
| My favorite things | 2007.06.05 |
2.4. Most comments on:
| Titles of posts with link
| Dates of posts (yyyy.mm.dd) | Total number of words in comments
| Qualities of comments*
2.4.1. Any one of your essays
| When did you respond to those comments?
| ---
| ---
| ---
| How did you respond to those comments?
| ---
| ---
2.4.2. Any of your other posts
| When did you respond to those comments?
| ---
| ---
| ---
| How did you respond to those comments? | ---
| ---
* Please list the most important qualities of comments on each type of blog post.
2.5. Additional reflections on comments:
3.0. Typing Speed Trials (5 mins.)
| Numbers of words
| Dates (yyyy.mm.dd)
3.1. Worst typing speed trial
| 47 words | 2007. May. 9 |
3.2. Best typing speed trial
| 110 words | 2007. April. 25 |
3.3. Average speed for three (3) most recent speed trials
| 73 words |
4.0. Book Reviews
Note: Calculate totals without the example.
4.2. Selection and assessment: Which of those book reviews do you feel is the best, and why? Please remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, and give at least two reasons.
5.0. Blog Layout, Labeling, Linking & Media Presentation
| Yes
| No
5.1. Does your blog have an archive in the sidebar?
5.1.1. Does the archive display the titles of posts? |
5.1.2. Is the archive organized by week? |
5.1.3. Is the archive at the top of the sidebar?
5.2. Does your blog have labels displayed in sidebar? |
5.2.1. Do your labels include each of these required labels (typed accurately): | ---
| ---
- "quickposts" (plural, with no spaces)
5.2.2. Does your sidebar display other labels? |
- How many other labels have you attached to three (3) or more posts?
| ---
| ---
- Which labels, and how many posts each?
- www (n)
- xxx (m)
- yyy (o)
- zzz (p)
- ...
| ---
| ---
5.3. Links & media | ---
| ---
5.3.1. Does your blog include pictures? |
- Does your blog profile include a picture or graphic representation?
- How many of your blog posts include pictures or other graphics?
| ---
| ---
5.3.2. Posts with multiple links | ---
| ---
- How many of your posts include three (3) or more links?
| ---
| ---
5.3.3. Does your blog include other media? |
- How many of your blog posts include other media?
| ---
| ---
5.4. What would you most like to do to enhance the overall presentation of your blog?
6.0. Additional reflections on your blog writing:
7.0. Suggestions for your peers and successors: